科学技術助言補助機関会合(Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice:SBSTTA)は、生物多様性条約(CBD)の下で運営され、条約の実施に関連する助言をタイムリーに提供しています。生物多様性の保全と持続可能な利用に不可欠な様々なテーマについて、科学的・技術的な評価や勧告を締約国会議に提供するという、生物多様性条約の活動において極めて重要な役割を担っています。具体的には、生物多様性条約第25条に基づいて設立された諮問機関であり、条約の主要機関である締約国会議(COP)に助言を行う機関会合です。
SBSTTA 25の初日のスケジュールは、午前8時に一連のクローズドグループミーティングで始まり、アジア太平洋、GRULAC、JUSCANZ、欧州連合、NGO、IPLC、CEE、アフリカ、女性の集会、および青年などの異なるグループが各指定された会議室に集まりました。これらのグループは、事務局によって概説された議題項目に対する潜在的な追加や変更について協議しました。協力的な努力を通じて、代表者たちは彼らの立場を明確にする要約を作成し、プレナリーセッションで彼らの集団的な洞察を発表する準備をしました。
午前10時に、メキシコ出身のHesiquio Benítez Díaz SBSTTA議長によってプレナリーが開かれ、SBSTTA 25のGBF実施における重要性を強調し、「言葉を行動に移す」ように出席者に促しました。
SBSTTA 25の初日は、グローバルな生物多様性問題に関する重要な議論の始まりを印象づけました。さまざまなグループが集まってアイデアを共有し、行動を計画することで、GBFの目標に取り組む明確な道筋が形成されています。この日が終わると、代表者たちは今後数日間でさらに詳細な議論を行うために準備が整い、計画をより良く、持続可能な未来のための行動に転換することを目指しています。
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA) operates under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and provides timely advice relating to the implementation of the Convention. It is a crucial component of the CBD’s work, offering scientific, technical, and technological assessments, as well as recommendations on various subjects essential to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. Specifically, SBSTTA is an advisory body formed under Article 25 of the CBD, advising the Convention’s primary body, the Conference of the Parties (COP).
The 25th meeting of SBSTTA (SBSTTA 25), which took place from 15-19 October 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, marked a significant gathering of the UN Biodiversity community since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). The schedule of the first day of SBSTTA 25 begins with a series of closed group meetings at 8:00 AM, where different groups including Asia and the Pacific, GRULAC, JUSCANZ, European Union, NGOs, IPLCs, CEE, Africa, Women’s Caucus, and Youth gather in various designated meeting rooms. These groups convene in designated meeting rooms to deliberate on potential additions or modifications to the agenda items outlined by the Secretariat. Through collaborative effort, delegates draft summaries articulating their positions, preparing to voice their collective insights during the subsequent plenary sessions. As an intern at the Japan Committee for IUCN, I participated in a closed group discussion among the delegates from various NGOs. During the discussion, several points were raised regarding item Biodiversity and Climate Change. It was emphasized that a more critical review is necessary when evaluating the outcomes of nature-based solutions undertaken by the United Nations Environment Programme. Additionally, the need for greater caution regarding geoengineering was highlighted.
At 10 AM, the plenary was opened by the SBSTTA Chair, Hesiquio Benítez Díaz from Mexico, who emphasized the importance of SBSTTA 25 for implementing the GBF, urging attendees to move “words into action”. Post lunch, at 13:15, multiple open side events are organized addressing a variety of topics including invasive alien species, youth involvement in GBF implementation, international cooperation, agrobiodiversity, and actions of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. These side events are spread across different meeting rooms and aim to delve into specific themes related to biodiversity and the objectives of the Convention. At 15:00, another open plenary session was organized to discuss mechanisms for planning, approaches to identifying scientific and technical needs, and plant conservation within the context of the GBF.
The first day of SBSTTA 25 marked the beginning of important discussions on global biodiversity issues. With various groups coming together to share ideas and plan actions, there’s a clear path being formed to work on the Global Biodiversity Framework goals. As the day ended, the delegates are geared up for more in-depth discussions in the days to come, aiming to turn plans into actions for a better, sustainable future.
Intern at Japan Committee for IUCN
Danmeng CAI