2日目には、サイドイベントとして、ユースセッションがありました。若者だけでなく、教師など様々なセクターの参加者とディスカッションをしました。また、保全分野の最前線で活躍するゲストスピーカーを招いての質疑応答も行われました。このイベントはIUCN Youth Advisory Committeeによって主催され、15人ほどの小グループでオープンスペースの深い議論ができました。
その中の一つに、ベトナムでウミガメを保護する新しいプロジェクトがありました。展示ブースには、芸術家のCao Thanh Thaさんによるセラミックで作られた亀がありました。
On the Day 2, there was a side event of Youth Session. Participants from various sectors like educators, not just young people, engaged in discussions. Additionally, there was a Q&A session with guest speakers who are at the forefront of the conservation field. It was hosted by the IUCN Youth Advisory Committee, and we had the opportunity for in-depth discussions in small groups of about 15 people in an open space setting.
The first guest speaker was Dr. Theresa from ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity. She has been engaged in regional cooperation and biodiversity conservation. Her career began in veterinary medicine, but through several years of practical office experience, she has expanded her engagement into the fields of biodiversity and conservation. For someone like me who does not have a major related to conservation, her story reminded that there are many diverse paths and opportunities to get involved in conservation over the course of a long career.
The second guest speaker was Ms Syeda, an adviser on Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Her career is as she mentioned very colourful. She has contributed as a pro bono lawyer in Bangladesh during politically unstable times. As a law major, hearing from a practicing professional was an invaluable experience for me. I was particularly inspired by the strength of her conviction, evident in the way she answered every question from the youth with precision and knowledge.
Throughout these two sessions, there were numerous questions from participants, many of which focused on how the power of women can be utilised in the conservation field and how youth initiatives can lead to societal change. At the end, we received advice from each of the guest speakers. A common theme in their advice was the importance of ‘Be persistent’ They emphasised that by staying true to the path you have chosen, the effort you put in along the way will earn you trust and authority, ultimately leading to great strength.
During and after the sessions, there were also active exchanges among the youth and exhibitions about youth-led organisations. One of the projects featured was a new initiative to protect sea turtles in Vietnam. At the exhibition booth, there were ceramic turtles created by an artist, Cao Thanh Tha.
Do you know the survival rate of wild sea turtles from hatching to adulthood?
It is only about 1/1000. Climate change-induced weather anomalies and ocean pollution are cited as causes. Not only is the survival rate low, but they also mentioned that turtles with three heads are sometimes born. This discussion made me feel strongly that we need to take responsibility and be aware of our role in this issue. Those who share the ocean are also responsible for the situation brought about by marine pollution and the destruction of marine biodiversity.
While viewing the exhibition, I had the opportunity to speak with the project leader about potential future collaborations. I also learned about an exciting upcoming project involving the same artist, who will be holding an exhibition of ceramic works on water flow as a way to raise awareness of social issues through art. Additionally, there were many other youth-led projects on display, which not only inspired me but also taught me about the challenges they face.
Through this forum, I was able to build a cross-border youth network and lay the foundation for future collaboration. I also met inspiring peers who are working to launch youth organisations and expand communication networks. The IUCN emphasises the power of youth and invests in young people. I wondered whether Japanese youth could also take initiative, join these communities, and move in the same direction as other passionate young activists in Asia. And it came to me; ‘yes, I should’.
IUCN highlights the power of youth and invests in youth. However, I was wondering weather Japanese youth could also take initiative, join these communities, and move in the same direction as other passionate young activists in Asia.
As one of the side events, a participant shared a quote: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’
This reminded me of the importance of youth cooperation in guiding society in the right direction.